Many of us work hard in hopes of retiring one day but, what if life doesn’t go as planned? What if suddenly the unimaginable happens and your household is down to one income, or maybe even none? Will the remaining loved ones be taken care of? Will they have enough money to make the mortgage payment for the rest of the year? Pay off the car? Take care of unexpected medical expenses? These are things we want people to think about because lets be real, life happens whether we want it to or not.

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month and we want to help make sure all your ducks are in a row.

Life Insurance is a tough subject and it can be difficult to talk about. We get it. You might wonder if  you need it? What type of life insurance should you choose? How much will it cost you? There can be a lot of questions. Our goal is to help educate you and provide you with a piece of mind so if nothing else, you know you’ve reviewed all of your options. Really, we want to help you protect your family and make sure they have the financial security they would need if the inevitable were to happen unexpectedly (or even expectantly).

There are many different types of life insurance policies and we are here to help you determine what policy and what amount of insurance would be the best fit for you and for the needs of your family. Some of the different types of life insurance include the following:

  • Term Life
  • Universal Life
  • Whole Life
  • Long-Term Care
  • Annuities

If you don’t have life insurance or you’ve had a life event that might prompt you to review your existing policy (marriage, divorce, birth of a child, retirement, to name a few), we are hear to help! We’ll listen, ask the right questions, and give you all the options. Believe it or not, life insurance may not be as expensive as you think!

Give our office a call at 941-412-4307 to schedule a time to talk with a licensed, knowledgeable, experienced agent.