Charity Recipients2020-07-28T12:45:59-04:00

Military Warriors Support Foundation – Charity Presentation

Thank you to everyone who generously provided referrals to us this past quarter, as we presented a check for $1,810 to Military Warrior Support Foundation (MWSF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Founded in 2007, MWSF's mission is "to provide programs that facilitate a smooth and successful transition [...]

By |July 12th, 2021|Categories: Charity Program|

Child Protection Center – Charity Presentation

Thank you to everyone who generously provided referrals to us this past quarter, as we presented a check for $1,810 to Child Protection Center (CPC) and the timing couldn't have been better! Every April, Florida participates in the national Child Abuse Prevention Month campaign in [...]

By |April 28th, 2021|Categories: Charity Program|

Venice Art Center – Charity Presentation

Thank you to everyone who generously provided referrals to us this past quarter, as we presented a check for $1,650 to Venice Art Center (VAC)! This quarter, our referral program donation will sponsor a seahorse sculpture as part of the "FantaSea Venice" public art project organized [...]

By |January 27th, 2021|Categories: Charity Program|
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