With our local area sitting not much higher than sea level, flood damage is a legitimate concern that should be carefully considered when developing your insurance plan. As damage from flood is NOT covered under your home insurance policy, Joyner Family Insurance encourages all clients to maintain a separate flood insurance policy, made available at standard rates through the National Flood Insurance Program (“NFIP”) managed by FEMA.
Flood insurance reviews are available through two convenient methods:
- Contact us via our website so that a member of our agency team may contact you to prepare a detailed proposal. Please be sure to indicate your preferred method of communication so that we may follow-up with you most effectively!
- Call our agency team at (941) 412-4307 to discuss a proposal over the phone. This is often most effective, as we can be sure that your questions are answered and coverage benefits are explained thoroughly!

We encourage you to visit the NFIP website to learn more about the risks, costs, and dangers of flooding.