Whether you’re a Florida native or a newcomer, the most common misconception we hear regarding flood insurance is “I’m not in a flood zone so I don’t need flood insurance.”  Well, the truth is, if you live in Florida, you live in a flood zone.  While there are several different flood zones, the big difference is whether or not a home is located in what is called a “preferred risk” zone or a “special flood hazard area” (a higher risk zone) – and the difference between the two is sometimes only inches.

A flood is considered rising ground water that encompasses two or more properties.  That means, if water caused by excessive summer rains enters your home, you likely have a flood claim – and the damage caused by just an inch of water in your home can be costly.  Believe it or not, almost one-third of all flood claims occur in those “preferred risk” flood zones.  So, just because your home sits in a preferred risk zone or your lender doesn’t require you to carry flood insurance, we strongly encourage you to consider purchasing this important protection.  For more helpful information, check out the National Flood Insurance Program’s website at www.floodsmart.gov or give us a call to discuss your options!